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Neo-Banks vs Traditional-Banks: What are the pros and cons of each?

Jun 12, 2024

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Neo-Banks vs Traditional-Banks: What are the pros and cons of each?

Jun 12, 2024

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Neo-Banks vs Traditional-Banks: What are the pros and cons of each?

Jun 12, 2024

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Neo-Banks vs Traditional-Banks: What are the pros and cons of each?

Jun 12, 2024

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Neo-Banks vs Traditional-Banks: What are the pros and cons of each?

Jun 12, 2024

Get ready for a banking battle like no other! In one corner are the traditional banks, the tried-and-tested heavyweights of the financial world. In the other corner, the nimble, tech-savvy neo-banks are the new kids on the financial block. But what exactly are these two contrasting entities?

Think of traditional banks as those clunky desktop computers your parents used. They got the job done, but not as efficiently. Now, imagine neo-banks as sleek, lightweight Macbooks- efficient, user-friendly, and packed with features. Traditional banks, the OGs of banking, offer a variety of accounts and services, but they can be costly and time-consuming. While they may be the go-to for most millennials and boomers, the younger generations, Gen Z and Alpha, embrace the convenience and the cutting-edge modernity of neo-banks, reassuring them of a seamless and efficient banking experience.

Now, let's talk about the new kids on the block—neo-banks. Neo-banks are now available inside your phone as an app instead of a dull building. Neobanks are independent banks that do not have a physical entity. Take FamPay, for example. It's not just a bank account; it's a fresh approach to handling money, offering fast transfers, right-then-there notices, and tailored financial monitoring.

But do not mistake neo-banks for Digital Banks. A digital bank is like an online branch of an existing traditional bank, providing its services online. Conversely, Neo-banks are a new breed of banks that operate solely through digital platforms, offering a more streamlined and user-centric banking experience.

So, why are neo-banks so hyped these days?

To begin with, they are as mobile-obsessed as we are, making banking as easy as opening an Instagram account. Plus, they are more affordable and easily accessible with just one click. With neo-banks, you don't need to get up from your sofa to deposit money. It's time to bid farewell to banking dinosaurs and embrace the new era of finance! To take a further deep dive into what neobanks are, click on this.

The Financial Face-Off: Neo Banks vs. Traditional Banks

Now let's analyse what makes Neobanks and Traditional banks so different from each other:

  1. Physical Presence: Unlike traditional Banks, which have different branches in different locations with years of physical presence and face-to-face interaction with customers, Neobanks do not have a physical infrastructure or a building from where they operate. The entire entity of Neobanks exists online.

  2. Business Models: Traditional Banks try to do everything, which leads to various branches, ATM services, earning money through interest on loans, high fees, etc., whereas Neo banks provide their services to a specific target audience. They save costs through no physical infrastructure and earn through debit card fees or lending. They also offer extras like budgeting tools or rewards to attract customers.

  3. Services: Neobanks offer limited but more customised services. They use advanced technology and databases for an easy and flexible consumer interface. Traditional Banks provide services that involve hidden fees and complex, time-consuming processes. Due to this, traditional banks have a broader audience that also wants physical interaction and more types of services.

  4. Banking Licence: Like how ladyfingers are not actual fingers, Neobanks are not actual banks! Although called banks, Neobanks are financial institutions that operate without a banking licence, meaning that the Reserve Bank of India doesn't officially recognise neobanks as banks. Because of this, Neobanks don't have to follow as many rules and regulations, which gives them freedom for innovation, expansion and offers. Neobanks, while not officially regulated, must abide by the rules and practices of the partner banks, which can be viewed as a quasi-regulatory agency. During onboarding, Neobanks are carefully examined and must provide lots of paperwork to meet the standards of their partner bank's checks. Exceptionally, some countries have already given an official banking license to neo-banks operating in their countries. For example, several European Union nations, including Germany, Lithuania, and Ireland, have legislation allowing neo-banks to acquire banking licenses. Singapore, Canada, UAE, and Australia have also permitted banking licenses to neo-banks.

Pros of Traditional Banks

  1. More Services: From savings accounts to insurance, traditional Banks have it all! They are like financial supermarkets, offering many different services to satisfy all your financial needs under one roof. Traditional Banks also have lots of money they can use to provide more loans and funding choices to their customers.

  2. Personalised Services: Traditional Banks offer bankers and salespeople at your service to provide customised guidance based on individual customer needs. Since each customer gets treated differently, it fosters trust and loyalty as customers feel special and valued when interacting with the bankers.

  3. Stability and Reliability: Traditional banks are backed by the supervision of Central Banks and deposit protection schemes, which means they have a lengthy finance operation history. Customers feel confident by this reliability that their funds are secure and available when needed.

  4. Physical Presence: Following the principle of only believing in what you can see, traditional banks have a physical infrastructure and thus, customers tend to have more trust in conventional banks. With their physical presence, traditional banks create a safe space for the consumer surrounded by other customers and employees. This physical presence creates a sense of comfort and familiarity, especially with older or less tech-savvy users who prefer conversations in person.

  5. Familiarity and Comfort: Many folks opt for traditional banks because they feel a deep bond and comfort with them, which has typically been built over time through experience or upbringing. Despite neobanks' novel features, this sense of long-standing trust and tradition sometimes trumps the obvious advantages of digital banking alternatives for particular consumers.

  6. Network of ATMs: Traditional banks often have vast ATM networks, which provide easy access to cash withdrawals and other crucial banking services. This gives people more flexibility and accessibility while managing their finances.

  7. Established Reputation: Traditional banks, like seasoned financial guardians, have a long history of developing confidence over time. They're likewise elders looking after your money, providing a reassuring sense of security built on years of experience and reliability in financial management.

Cons of Traditional Banks

  1. More expensive and lower interest rates: Traditional Banks often charge high fees for maintaining accounts, ATM withdrawals, opening accounts and other services. Traditional banks are what you might call hidden moles. They usually have stealthy charges, which the customers might overlook during lengthy processes. Standard Banks also offer lower interest rates on savings accounts and other deposit accounts. As a result, users may earn less interest in their deposits.

  2. Lack of innovation and technology: If you haven't already, imagine visiting a bank with all those handwritten forms and lockers. I'm sure you feel old like you've time-travelled back to the 90s. With a lack of technology upgradation, the upcoming generation feels bored while engaging with traditional banks. Traditional banks may excel in security and stability. Still, they're about as trendy as a pair of skinny jeans when it comes to providing the seamless, user-friendly interface you need.

  3. Lengthy and Slow process: Does slow and steady win the race? I don't think so. In this fast-paced world, transactions and account-related processes in traditional banks can be time-consuming, requiring customers to fill in paperwork and wait in lines for each step, resulting in frustrated customers.

  4. Poor customer experience: Have you ever been on hold for hours on a customer service call and passed around by different people like a cake? Traditional Banks do not guarantee a smooth, tension-free ride to satisfy your financial needs. Their unworthy service quality, high costs, and the absence of innovations further contribute to low client retention and loyalty. A 2018 survey conducted by PwC found that only 32% of customers have a high level of trust in their retail bank.

Neobanks: Flipping Retail Bank Cons into Pros

People say always know your opponent's strong and weak points and use them to your advantage. That is what Neobanks have done! Neobanks are more attractive to the consumer market than traditional banks because they solve many of the issues of standard banks and use them to their advantage. Let's unpack this further with what Neobanks provide:

  1. Affordable: Neobanks have no physical presence, so they help us save costs with no physical operation costs. They also have lower maintenance costs, no account opening fees, and no hidden fees. They also tend to be more open about their fees.

  2. Higher interest rates: Neobanks are the turbo boost for your savings! They give you higher interest rates, so your money grows faster than with traditional banks. It's like getting more bonus money for keeping your money with them and making saving more rewarding.

  3. Innovation: Imagine if your piggy bank started giving you tips and tricks on how to save more money and how to use and invest it. That's what innovation in Neobanks is like and what the upcoming generation wants! Neobanks use cutting-edge technology to offer features like personalised budgeting tools and instant spending insights. It's like having a super-smart financial assistant in your pocket, making managing your money more accessible, exciting, and engaging.

  4. Enhanced Customer Experience: Picture this: Traditional banks are bland old restaurants that do not know your usual order or how you like your coffee, whereas Neobanks are like the organic fancy aesthetic cafes that know your usual order and favourites. That's the difference between the customer services of both types of banks! Neo banks promote user-friendliness, quick answers, and personalised service, like the convenience of buying online and providing instant support. This makes banking more appealing and successful, especially for younger consumers. AA study by McKinsey from 2019 found that people like neo-banks, giving them a score of 62. However, traditional banks only got a much lower score of 19.

  5. Faster Processes: Instead of lengthy forms and in-person visits, neobanks allow rapid and simple account creation and transactions utilising smartphones or online platforms. They apply technology to automate processes, reducing wait times and enabling customers to manage their funds effectively and promptly. Let's say the new generation of adults prefer to get their banking done in 2-3 clicks instead of 2-3 hours!

Besides the pros mentioned above, neobanks also have a more straightforward orientation using just ID verification and KYC checks. They are more flexible, user-friendly, tech-savvy, and streamlined. On the other hand, neobanks are too dependent on technology, lack banking services, are less reliable, and might have cybersecurity risks. You can read more about the advantages of Neobanks here.

Choosing between traditional banks and neobanks is like choosing between a fine dining restaurant and a fast food centre. Take a look into options for neobanks in India. While conventional banks give safety and familiarity like a well-cooked steak, neobanks reflect the exciting promise of tomorrow's finance setting. Take a look into options for Trad Banks in India. Neobanks, with their new features, quick processes, and personalised experiences, signal a future in which dealing with funds is as simple as eating mac-n-cheese. However, like embarking on a favourite dish adventure, selecting the correct bank requires careful evaluation of one's needs and interests. As we stand on the edge of banking development, it's becoming evident that neobanks are far more than a passing trend but the rulers of a new era in finance, where convenience, efficiency, and innovation reign supreme.


I see the tables turning from Traditional Banks to Neobanks in this showdown. Traditional banks can offer privacy and familiarity, like a cosy old fable, but neobanks deliver the fascinating promise of a new financial adventure, like entering into the latest blockbuster novel. Neobanks are changing banking norms by offering new characteristics, quicker processes, and custom experiences that accommodate the requirements and tastes of today's tech-savvy customers. It's time to say goodbye to the old guard and welcome a novel age in commerce. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a curious newcomer, the route forward is clear: jump straight into the neo-banking revolution and experience a world of possibilities now!

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© 2024 National Finance Olympiad | An initiative by Streak

© 2024 National Finance Olympiad | An initiative by Streak

Reeju datta Pic

Reeju Datta

Cofounder, Cashfree

" Understanding finance isn't just about balancing budgets; it's about mastering - opportunity, risk, and innovation. Initiatives like the National Finance Olympiad are instrumental in cultivating this essential skill set "

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Soumya Kanti Purkayastha

Ex-CBO Aakash Educational Services

" Cultivating financial literacy among the youth is paramount for their future success. The NFO is equipping them with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of finance & build a secure future "

Reeju datta Pic

Professor Sankarshan Basu

Finance Professor, IIM Bangalore

" By instilling finance and Integrating practical financial education as a skill early on, we are equipping them with the knowledge to preserve their wealth & to create opportunities to create wealth "

Reeju datta Pic

Reeju Datta

Cofounder, Cashfree

" Understanding finance isn't just about balancing budgets; it's about mastering - opportunity, risk, and innovation. Initiatives like the National Finance Olympiad are instrumental in cultivating this essential skill set "

Reeju datta Pic

Soumya Kanti Purkayastha

Ex-CBO Aakash Educational Services

" Cultivating financial literacy among the youth is paramount for their future success. The NFO is equipping them with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of finance & build a secure future "

Reeju datta Pic

Professor Sankarshan Basu

Finance Professor, IIM Bangalore

" By instilling finance and Integrating practical financial education as a skill early on, we are equipping them with the knowledge to preserve their wealth & to create opportunities to create wealth "

Reeju datta Pic

Reeju Datta

Cofounder, Cashfree

" Understanding finance isn't just about balancing budgets; it's about mastering - opportunity, risk, and innovation. Initiatives like the National Finance Olympiad are instrumental in cultivating this essential skill set "

Reeju datta Pic

Soumya Kanti Purkayastha

Ex-CBO Aakash Educational Services

" Cultivating financial literacy among the youth is paramount for their future success. The NFO is equipping them with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of finance & build a secure future "

Reeju datta Pic

Professor Sankarshan Basu

Finance Professor, IIM Bangalore

" By instilling finance and Integrating practical financial education as a skill early on, we are equipping them with the knowledge to preserve their wealth & to create opportunities to create wealth "

Reeju datta Pic

Reeju Datta

Cofounder, Cashfree

" Understanding finance isn't just about balancing budgets; it's about mastering - opportunity, risk, and innovation. Initiatives like the National Finance Olympiad are instrumental in cultivating this essential skill set "

Reeju datta Pic

Soumya Kanti Purkayastha

Ex-CBO Aakash Educational Services

" Cultivating financial literacy among the youth is paramount for their future success. The NFO is equipping them with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of finance & build a secure future "

Reeju datta Pic

Professor Sankarshan Basu

Finance Professor, IIM Bangalore

" By instilling finance and Integrating practical financial education as a skill early on, we are equipping them with the knowledge to preserve their wealth & to create opportunities to create wealth "